Videos and slides from Power to the Pixel

As I outlined in a previous post, I was fortunate to be invited back to be a part of Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival 2009. The videos and slides are now online and so here is a selection of ones I’m sure you’ll enjoy/get something out of. 🙂 Take Back What Has Always … Read moreVideos and slides from Power to the Pixel

Next public event: Power to the Pixel, London

Hello everyone! I haven’t been updating this site for a while. That will change. 🙂 My next public gig will be at Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival. As you may recall, I did the keynote and a workshop there last year. So, I’m thrilled to be invited back again. Ted Hope will be … Read moreNext public event: Power to the Pixel, London

Ep 004: Tim Wright Interview

  Another podcast! Yay! At this rate I might even crack three podcasts a year. hehe. Joking aside, I’m excited about our guest today. UK digital writer Tim Wright shares his vast experience with over a decade with online interactive drama and more recently multiplatform storytelling. Below is a time guide showing you topics Tim … Read moreEp 004: Tim Wright Interview

Death of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

Well, not quite ‘death’ but an indefinite hiatus. I’m powering down this blog for a few reasons, one of which is my desire to finish my PhD. I’ve tried for the last year and a half to do PhD writing and work and this blog, but found the mindsets are somewhat incompatable. I’ve decided therefore … Read moreDeath of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

BarCampSydney2, unconditional participation, heterarchies, intrapreneurs, digital aboriginals and those who have Got Game

At the beginning of their book, Digital Aboriginal: Radical Business Strategies for a World Without Rules, Mikela and Philip Tarlow set forth their manifesto: We are witnessing the birth of a new generation, described not so much by their age, as by their actions in the world. They are using the freedoms of the new economy … Read moreBarCampSydney2, unconditional participation, heterarchies, intrapreneurs, digital aboriginals and those who have Got Game

National Film Board of Canada's "Cross Media Challenge"

The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and the Sheffield International Documentary Festival are pleased to issue a call for proposals for a new cross-media competition called the CROSS-MEDIA CHALLENGE. The CROSS-MEDIA CHALLENGE is a co-production competition for innovative, interactive, socially engaged content with applications for mobile and broadband. It will award one producer a … Read moreNational Film Board of Canada's "Cross Media Challenge"

Now this a great way to experience the potential of cross-media

A few weeks ago I gave a presentation at the Web Standards Group on ‘Thinking Outside the Web’. After the talk I was approached by the Workflow Specialist for the Northen Region, Integrated Sales and Marketing of Fuji Xerox Australia, Duane Mackey, who shared with me a project created by Fuji Xerox Australia to market their … Read moreNow this a great way to experience the potential of cross-media

InWorld Event: "Are Virtual Worlds relevant to my Marketing Effort?"

This Wednesday you can attend this event inside of Second Life: “In World” Panel Discussion (Re-run) 29 August @ 9.30am – 10.30am   One of the fastest growing online communities today is the virtual world of Second Life. With more than 6 million users worldwide, many big corporate including IBM, Toyota, Dell, Telstra, Sun Microsystems … Read moreInWorld Event: "Are Virtual Worlds relevant to my Marketing Effort?"