Next public event: Power to the Pixel, London

Hello everyone! I haven’t been updating this site for a while. That will change. 🙂 My next public gig will be at Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival. As you may recall, I did the keynote and a workshop there last year. So, I’m thrilled to be invited back again. Ted Hope will be … Read moreNext public event: Power to the Pixel, London

Ep 004: Tim Wright Interview

  Another podcast! Yay! At this rate I might even crack three podcasts a year. hehe. Joking aside, I’m excited about our guest today. UK digital writer Tim Wright shares his vast experience with over a decade with online interactive drama and more recently multiplatform storytelling. Below is a time guide showing you topics Tim … Read moreEp 004: Tim Wright Interview

Death of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

Well, not quite ‘death’ but an indefinite hiatus. I’m powering down this blog for a few reasons, one of which is my desire to finish my PhD. I’ve tried for the last year and a half to do PhD writing and work and this blog, but found the mindsets are somewhat incompatable. I’ve decided therefore … Read moreDeath of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

Tie-In Writers and the Mono-Medium Logic Problem

One of the reasons for the paradigmatic change to cross-media world-creation is the emergence of transliterate creators. These creators are not just fans of a range of artforms, are not only versed in a range of artforms, they are versed (or developing a literacy) in the combining of a range of artforms & media platforms. … Read moreTie-In Writers and the Mono-Medium Logic Problem

"Interactive Cinema Performances"

There is a new wave of cinema experiences emerging that points to the revival of the cinema event. Contrasting interactive film (which can be experienced by one person and the interaction is limited to a DVD or remote input), these cinema events require audiences to participate in some way in an event environment. Kinoautomat (movie vending-machine), 1967… … Read more"Interactive Cinema Performances"

Online & Mobile Comedy Girl Friday launched

Kylie Robertson of Ish Media, the lass behind such interactive dramas Jupiter Green and the website for Joel and Cat Set the Story Straight, has launched her latest offering: Girl Friday. It is available for free via the web and mobile (in Australia). The main website is at with videos at YouTube, including this trailer: [youtube 2-M7KqB2sO4] … Read moreOnline & Mobile Comedy Girl Friday launched

"Distributed Narratives": "She Loves the Moon" by The Strangers

In 2004, well-known academic Jill Walker Rettberg (who among other things did a great piece a few years ago about the online drama Online Caroline by XPT) published a great paper called Distributed Narrative: Telling Stories Across Networks: A new kind of narrative is emerging from the network: the distributed narrative. Distributed narratives don’t bring media … Read more"Distributed Narratives": "She Loves the Moon" by The Strangers

Web & Mobile & Book integration: "Joel and Cat Set the Story Straight"

Penguin Australia have launched a new book for the 13+ market: Joel and Cat Set the Story Straight. Written by Nick Earls and Rebecca Sparrow, the story is described as follows: Joel and Cat Set the Story Straight is two weeks in the life of Joel Hedges and Cat Davis. Joel would prefer to get … Read moreWeb & Mobile & Book integration: "Joel and Cat Set the Story Straight"

My address to the Australian Publishing Industry

As I mentioned previously, last month I gave a talk at the Australian Literature Board’s Publishing the Story of the Future. Although it is very cringe-worthy to me (I’m not my usual lively self and I’m reading a script), I’ve decided to share my slides and the video. The slides are actually best viewed at a bigger size, at slideshare.