Off to mentor at Crossover Sydney

I’m flying out to mentor at the next Crossover Sydney. Crossover, if you’re not aware, is a UK-based world-leading residential event that aims at facilitating innovation and cross-platform projects through cross-fertilisation. Here is their description: While TV and film have been dominant forces in 20th century media, the 21st century will see moving image content … Read moreOff to mentor at Crossover Sydney

Ep 004: Tim Wright Interview

  Another podcast! Yay! At this rate I might even crack three podcasts a year. hehe. Joking aside, I’m excited about our guest today. UK digital writer Tim Wright shares his vast experience with over a decade with online interactive drama and more recently multiplatform storytelling. Below is a time guide showing you topics Tim … Read moreEp 004: Tim Wright Interview

Death of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

Well, not quite ‘death’ but an indefinite hiatus. I’m powering down this blog for a few reasons, one of which is my desire to finish my PhD. I’ve tried for the last year and a half to do PhD writing and work and this blog, but found the mindsets are somewhat incompatable. I’ve decided therefore … Read moreDeath of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

National Film Board of Canada's "Cross Media Challenge"

The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and the Sheffield International Documentary Festival are pleased to issue a call for proposals for a new cross-media competition called the CROSS-MEDIA CHALLENGE. The CROSS-MEDIA CHALLENGE is a co-production competition for innovative, interactive, socially engaged content with applications for mobile and broadband. It will award one producer a … Read moreNational Film Board of Canada's "Cross Media Challenge"

Mediamatic's "Games in Crossmedia" Workshop

In October 2007, Mediamatic will be running a workshop on ‘Games in Crossmedia’: Virtual worlds such as Second Life are gaining popularity fast – they are places for acting out fantasies, but also for film making and telling stories. Techniques like machinima offer new possibilities for creating films and television in the 3D worlds of … Read moreMediamatic's "Games in Crossmedia" Workshop

My Talk on ARGs @ Game_On next week

The Brisband chapter of the IGDA have invited me to give a talk and workshop next week in Queensland: GAME_ON: talk and workshop- tues 5 june, 5-7pm @ KGUV Community Hub, Carraway St, Kelvin Grove ‘Alternate Reality Games: Multi-Platform & Multi-World Design’ In this talk Christy Dena will provide an overview of the pervasive gaming … Read moreMy Talk on ARGs @ Game_On next week

My Guest Lecture: "Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts"

The Digital Communication and Culture Department at the University of Sydney (which is the Uni where I’m doing my PhD) invited me to give a lecture to their Digital Cultures students. Tomorrow I’ll be giving the talk titled Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts. I’ll present on the different approaches to cross-media/transmedia/multi-platform in mass-entertainment, independent art, gaming, literature … Read moreMy Guest Lecture: "Multi-Platform Art versus Commodity Intertexts"

"Transmedia Story Creation" postgrad subject @ University of Central Florida

This is definitely a time of monocle popping for me. I have just discovered a course dedicated to ‘transmedia story creation’. It is a core postgraduate subject in the Visual Language and Interactive Media MFA in Digital Media at the University of Central Florida. Dr Rudy McDaniel runs the course, which is described in the syllabus as follows: In … Read more"Transmedia Story Creation" postgrad subject @ University of Central Florida

MBA in Cross Media Experience!

In the Netherlands, you can now get an Master of Business Administration in Cross Media Experience! From what I can understand of the website, it looks like you learn cross media marketing, strategy, production, creative projects, organisational infrastructure and international cross media business. The people seem like they will be well informed: Lemniscaat School of … Read moreMBA in Cross Media Experience!

2007 sagasnet projects

The 2007 Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar run by sagasnet is currently in play. During this Developing Interactive Narrative Content Seminar pre-selected interactive narrative projects in development (no limitation on media, genre or target audience) will be provided in parallel with high-profile face-to-face consulting sessions (on financing, project management, marketing, story structure, game play…). Consultants will … Read more2007 sagasnet projects