Transmedia writing article for if:book Australia

if:book, the Institute for the Future of the Book, has organisations in London and New York. It now also has one in Queensland, Australia! “if:book Australia promotes new forms of digital literature and explores ways to boost connections between writers and audiences, and is a small think-tank and part of the Queensland Writers Centre”. Recently, … Read moreTransmedia writing article for if:book Australia

Off to mentor at Crossover Sydney

I’m flying out to mentor at the next Crossover Sydney. Crossover, if you’re not aware, is a UK-based world-leading residential event that aims at facilitating innovation and cross-platform projects through cross-fertilisation. Here is their description: While TV and film have been dominant forces in 20th century media, the 21st century will see moving image content … Read moreOff to mentor at Crossover Sydney

Videos and slides from Power to the Pixel

As I outlined in a previous post, I was fortunate to be invited back to be a part of Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival 2009. The videos and slides are now online and so here is a selection of ones I’m sure you’ll enjoy/get something out of. 🙂 Take Back What Has Always … Read moreVideos and slides from Power to the Pixel

Ep 004: Tim Wright Interview

  Another podcast! Yay! At this rate I might even crack three podcasts a year. hehe. Joking aside, I’m excited about our guest today. UK digital writer Tim Wright shares his vast experience with over a decade with online interactive drama and more recently multiplatform storytelling. Below is a time guide showing you topics Tim … Read moreEp 004: Tim Wright Interview

Techniques for Segmenting Content Across Media

Hello everyone! Today we’ll delve into segmentation techniques. By segmentation I refer to the various ways unique content can be continued across different media platforms. This doesn’t mean cutting up content created for a single session (a feature film for instance) and then delivering it in parts (although you can do that!). But here I’m referring specifically writing or designing the production with a certain episodic structure in mind. While the notion of episodics is fairly understood, what isn’t is the variety of episodic techniques available and how these can be utilized in a cross-platform project. So, in this post I’ll outline ways a production can be designed for multi-platform segmentation.

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An archive of my old LAMP ppts

A few years ago I was lucky to be invited by Gary Hayes to be a mentor for a new laboratory that was being developed by the Australian Film, Television and Radio School. Those were the heady days of the Laboratory of Advanced Media Production (LAMP), when this great range of mentors and participants (and onlooking VIPs) spent a week in some exotic location guiding traditional media practitioners into the great new horizon of new media. I was the cross-media person, which, in 2005, was not a common concept. It has only been in the last couple of years (with the help of Henry Jenkins’s book Convergence Culture) that aspects of the area have caught fire in the mainstream). So over those first few LAMPs my talks were ever changing — adopting whatever terminology and approaches seemed to explain the concept best to those new to the area. Well, now you can have a look at those ppts, as some of them are online at SlideShare, and here! OMG!

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Death of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

Well, not quite ‘death’ but an indefinite hiatus. I’m powering down this blog for a few reasons, one of which is my desire to finish my PhD. I’ve tried for the last year and a half to do PhD writing and work and this blog, but found the mindsets are somewhat incompatable. I’ve decided therefore … Read moreDeath of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast