Ep 004: Tim Wright Interview

  Another podcast! Yay! At this rate I might even crack three podcasts a year. hehe. Joking aside, I’m excited about our guest today. UK digital writer Tim Wright shares his vast experience with over a decade with online interactive drama and more recently multiplatform storytelling. Below is a time guide showing you topics Tim … Read moreEp 004: Tim Wright Interview

Death of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

Well, not quite ‘death’ but an indefinite hiatus. I’m powering down this blog for a few reasons, one of which is my desire to finish my PhD. I’ve tried for the last year and a half to do PhD writing and work and this blog, but found the mindsets are somewhat incompatable. I’ve decided therefore … Read moreDeath of a Blog, Birth of a Podcast

Dynamic Logic's Latest Cross-Media Campaigns Study

Dynamic Logic have just released their latest study: Dynamic Logic, a Millward Brown company, releases new analysis of 32 cross-media campaigns across ten categories showing that media work best when used together. All three media platforms – television, magazines, and online – contribute incrementally to brand metrics, but at different levels, bringing various strengths at different … Read moreDynamic Logic's Latest Cross-Media Campaigns Study

WOW! Radiohead. No, really

I kept forgeting to post about this but just in case there are some of you that not aware of what Radiohead are doing, here it is. Radiohead’s latest album, In Rainbows, will be released in December but you can preorder at their website. Rather than just offer the CDs for buying, Radiohead have undertaken four … Read moreWOW! Radiohead. No, really

Madison & Vine Revisited

A couple of years ago Scott Donaton, the editor of Advertising Age, published a book called Madison & Vine: Why the Entertainment and Marketing Industries Must Converge to Survive. Scott revisited ‘branded entertainment’ in a talk he gave recently, which has been published at the Madison & Vine section of Advertising Age. In the article he … Read moreMadison & Vine Revisited

The Creators of Outstanding Online Experiences…

UK-based Hi-ReS! (Handsome information – Radical entertainment Systems), founded in 1999 by Alexandra Jugovic and Florian Schmitt, have been creating amazing award-winning websites for the film, TV, music and marketing industries for a few years now. Some of their sites, like Requiem for a Dream and Donnie Darko, I mention in my article about ‘Filmmakers That Think … Read moreThe Creators of Outstanding Online Experiences…

New Line Cinema CEOs interview on Charlie Rose

New Line Cinema CEOs Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne were interviewed on the Charlie Rose show. They talk about the importance of franchise sequels being equal to or better each time; online fans and Snakes on a Plane; digital on-demand cinemas; simultaneous release across media; audience testing; gambling on Lord of the Rings; merging with Ted … Read moreNew Line Cinema CEOs interview on Charlie Rose

Trebor Scholz's History of the Social Web

After my post about Danah Boyd’s exploration of the history of social network sites, Trebor Scholz has developed his own. It is pretty comprehensive: This is a cross-cultural, critical history of social life on the Internet. It captures technical, cultural, and political events that influenced the evolution of computer-assisted person-to-person communication via the net. Acknowledging … Read moreTrebor Scholz's History of the Social Web