Finally! A Comprehensive ARG Report from the PMs

Although I mentioned this in my last update of ARG Stats (of which there is more to come), I felt the report deserved highlighting. In 2007 Hazel Grian was awarded a place in the Arts Council England Interact programme, Diffraction: Diffraction, the pilot title of Arts Council England Interact programme, offered placements to already established artists … Read moreFinally! A Comprehensive ARG Report from the PMs

SXSW Alternate Reality Games transcript online

Dan Hon, COO of Mind Candy has put the transcript of the 2007 SXSW conference panel: ARG! The Attack of the Alternate Reality Games transcript online. It is a fantastic talk that addresses alot of questions people have about ARGs and marketing and emerging trends. I’ve cherrypicked some quotes that stand out for me.

Read moreSXSW Alternate Reality Games transcript online

Major Study on Brands in Second Life

I just discovered through Ilya’s post a study of the Perception of the Presence of Brands in Second Life by CB News in partnership with Repères Second Life. It is an excellent study because it gives some spot on advice about brands in SL but also because it provides a snapshot of SL residents. Here are some of the findings:

The main thing learnt from the poll was that the presence of RL brands is perceived as positive by a great majority of Second Life residents: 66% believe that the presence of RL brands has a positive impact on SL, whereas 22% believe that RL brands have no impact on SL, and only 11% believe that RL brands have a negative impact on SL.

Some of the negatives about brands:

Read moreMajor Study on Brands in Second Life

Hitwise on Cross-Media Bundling

Sandra Hanchard, analyst for Hitwise Asia Pacific, responded to my post about cross-media bundling by offering some stats on what areas of entertainment are most searched for on the Net. The idea being that those with the greatest amount of interest on the Net shows that people are actively looking for other information and other media … Read moreHitwise on Cross-Media Bundling

Chinese Youth Culture Blog

Tricia Wang — a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at University of California, San Diego — blogs about ‘the nexus of Chinese Youth culture, Media, Technology and Information within a global context’ at YouMeiTi. China, she reported recently, has 830 million phone users and 132 million people online. Tricia is also the current reblogger for Eyebeam.

Simultaneous Media Usage Update

I’ve provided an overview of the different studies that have been conducted into how people are using multiple media. An update from BigResearch and their SIMM study is online [pdf]. From their email release dated 15th June: Last week in Shanghai, BIGresearch for the 3rd consecutive year presented its breakthrough media consumption model from its … Read moreSimultaneous Media Usage Update

Quick Stats: Top 10 Social Networking Sites

On May 11 Nielsen//NetRatings released their press release on the top social networking sites for the US [pdf]. ?Social networking sites are the reality television of the Internet,? said Jon Gibs, senior director of media, Nielsen//NetRatings. Top 10 Social Networking Sites for April 2006 (U.S., Home and Work) 1. MySpace 2. Blogger 3. Classmates Online … Read moreQuick Stats: Top 10 Social Networking Sites