Videos and slides from Power to the Pixel

As I outlined in a previous post, I was fortunate to be invited back to be a part of Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival 2009. The videos and slides are now online and so here is a selection of ones I’m sure you’ll enjoy/get something out of. 🙂 Take Back What Has Always … Read moreVideos and slides from Power to the Pixel

Next public event: Power to the Pixel, London

Hello everyone! I haven’t been updating this site for a while. That will change. 🙂 My next public gig will be at Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival. As you may recall, I did the keynote and a workshop there last year. So, I’m thrilled to be invited back again. Ted Hope will be … Read moreNext public event: Power to the Pixel, London

My keynote & workshop at Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival

Last month I was lucky to be invited to present at the Power to the Pixel event, which is part of the London Film Festival.

POWER TO THE PIXEL is a not-for-profit company that provides the independent film community with the latest in depth information and knowledge about new opportunities available in the transforming digital media landscape.

I did the opening talk on the conference day, ran a workshop on the workshop day and participated in the Think Tank they ran. It was an amazing event in which I got to finally meet many people for the first time, people I have watched, conversed with online, and even worked with remotely. Liz did a fantastic job with the event. The sessions were webcast on the main site and at Screen International. They had over 10,000 people watch the webcasts, which is very cool. Well, now the videos are slowly being released online. All the conference day talks are now on the video page on the main site, but not the workshops. They are available elsewhere at or YouTube. There are LOTS of interesting talks there about distribution, branding, crowdsourcing and finance there. But for here I’ve embeded the videos and ppts of my talk and workshop on ‘Films in the Age of Cross-Media Production’ and my workshop on ‘Writing Across Media’ respectively. Enjoy!

Read moreMy keynote & workshop at Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival

Ep 004: Tim Wright Interview

  Another podcast! Yay! At this rate I might even crack three podcasts a year. hehe. Joking aside, I’m excited about our guest today. UK digital writer Tim Wright shares his vast experience with over a decade with online interactive drama and more recently multiplatform storytelling. Below is a time guide showing you topics Tim … Read moreEp 004: Tim Wright Interview

An archive of my old LAMP ppts

A few years ago I was lucky to be invited by Gary Hayes to be a mentor for a new laboratory that was being developed by the Australian Film, Television and Radio School. Those were the heady days of the Laboratory of Advanced Media Production (LAMP), when this great range of mentors and participants (and onlooking VIPs) spent a week in some exotic location guiding traditional media practitioners into the great new horizon of new media. I was the cross-media person, which, in 2005, was not a common concept. It has only been in the last couple of years (with the help of Henry Jenkins’s book Convergence Culture) that aspects of the area have caught fire in the mainstream). So over those first few LAMPs my talks were ever changing — adopting whatever terminology and approaches seemed to explain the concept best to those new to the area. Well, now you can have a look at those ppts, as some of them are online at SlideShare, and here! OMG!

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It's Manifesto Time!

Manifestos can be wonderful community-forming, revolution ranting things. I cannot recall why (I just needed to I think) but I created my own little silly declaration in 2005:

A cross-media creator is a conductor of an orchestra of media channels & arts types; an imagineer, constructing fictional worlds that cover the planet; a programmer, interpreting conversations between technology and nature; a sorcerer conjuring awesome events even they are surprised by; an audience member that wanted more, and so made a pact with The Creator to change the world.

But, I’ve realised it is time to dust off a few great ones from creators both past and present. I chose the following according to how well they matched two things: related to cross-media/multiplatform/transmedia/360content and whether they functioned in some way according this this definition of a manifesto in Wikipedia:

A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature, but may also be life stance related. [source]

So, here they are, listed in chronological order (oldest to newest):

Read moreIt's Manifesto Time!

The Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of Cross-Media

In the previous podcast interview, Lance Weiler spoke about a special festival and conference for filmmakers: From Here to Awesome and DIYDays. The festival will play out in theaters, living rooms, online and via mobile devices and the conference (DIY DAYS) has become a series of live discussions in LA, SF, Boston, NYC and London. … Read moreThe Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of Cross-Media