World Without Oil: towards a responsible ARG

At GDC recently, Jane McGonigal announced her latest game: World Without Oil. It officially begins on April 30th, but sites and content are up already. It is apparently sponsored by Independent Lens and PBS, and is designed by Jane and written by Ken Eklund. This looks to be Jane’s move towards creating more socially responsible games … Read moreWorld Without Oil: towards a responsible ARG

eParticipation & Cross-Media

I found Chris’ blog on eParticipation through a referral (he linked to me), but it looks interesting. One of my core interests is how the convergence of communication media will impact the way eParticipation projects are shaped in the future. Little research has been done on this, that’s why I’m closely following other fields, where the … Read moreeParticipation & Cross-Media

MIPTV's "Content 360 Cross Media Festival"

At MIPTV’s event at Cannes this year there is another BBC event: “Content 360 Cross Media Festival”. A true accelerator of tomorrow’s content at MIPTV featuring MILIA 2007! Content 360 brings to Cannes the most creative ideas in exploiting the potential of digital platforms through an international pitching competition, a series of cutting-edge conferences, as well … Read moreMIPTV's "Content 360 Cross Media Festival"

Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction

On Feb 15-17 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, the first Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction will be helld. Tangible and Embedded Interaction ’07 will be held February 15-17 (just before the famous Mardi Gras festival) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. TEI’07 is the first international conference dedicated to research in tangible and embedded interaction. Work … Read moreConference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction