Some Great "Web 2.0" Web TV Betas

Here are some great “web 2.0” web TV betas that are buzzing around at the moment:

  • * UStream: 24 hour live streaming to the web. Rather than precorded moments, you get it live.
  • * Well designed site that makes creating your own channel, polls, slideshows etc so easy. You can watch put video all over the web and on your mobile too. Addictive. Great explanatory video too.
  • * I’ve spoken about this before. It is the one by the creators of Skype etc. They say they combine the best elements of the web with TV etc. A great explanatory video here too. The only thing I don’t like about Joost, is their very public selection of people to test it. Either you care about my opinion or you don’t…and right now Joost doesn’t give a hoot what I think of it. They’ll ask me, I suppose, when they’ve designed everything they think I want…Either do testing in private or public – there is no in between.

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