MIPTV's "Content 360 Cross Media Festival"

At MIPTV’s event at Cannes this year there is another BBC event: “Content 360 Cross Media Festival”.

A true accelerator of tomorrow’s content at MIPTV featuring MILIA 2007! Content 360 brings to Cannes the most creative ideas in exploiting the potential of digital platforms through an international pitching competition, a series of cutting-edge conferences, as well as a Content 360 pavilion and networking events

Basically, producers get the chance to pitch ideas to the BBC. This year they’ve got other sponsored calls too, which is great to see. Looking over the calls, however, it is clear that there is still so much…confusion…over what “cross-media” is. The pitching competition is described as calling for “creative ideas in exploiting the potential of digital platforms”. Doesn’t that make the pitching competition one about the digital realm, not 360? OgilvyOne Worldwide call for pitches for “Cross-Media Brand Marketing”. But what they are looking for is “an innovative idea to present American Express credit card products in a digital world.” What about non-digital mediums? So, does this mean that OgilvyOne Worldwide sees “cross-media branding” as moving a brand from traditional mediums to a digital ones? Then the Korean Broadcasting Commission calls for “Cross-Platform Formats”. They want made-for-mobile content…that can be used for internet, cable TV, IPTV, VOD! Hmm, so KBC sees “cross-platform formats” as content that can be repurposed over multiple mediums.

I understand that “cross-media” has different meanings. That is one reason why I use it, to be inclusive rather than exclusive of all the options available to producers. But holding industry events that claim to be “360” and “cross-media” and so on (many of which I’ve discussed on this blog) and then not discuss new ways to engage multiple platforms is a waste. I understand that there are different needs out there, but I’m passionate about cross-media and I hate to see bad advice. So, if you’re unsure what are the narrative options in the age of cross-media production, may I suggest the following:

  • Repurposing: same content reproduced in different mediums
  • Adaptation: same story reproduced in different genres/formats
  • Transmedia serial: cliff-hanger episodes over media platforms
  • Transmedia series: self-contained episodes over media platforms
  • Polymorphic form: single story fragmented over multiple media platforms

In the meantime, go tell the BBC et al your ace cross-media ideas, submissions close Feb 9: http://www.miptv.com/content360


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