Transmedia Planners etc on Facebook

For the past year almost, I’ve been following the discussion about ‘transmedia planning’ that has been taking place in cyberspace and at conferences. In response to Henry Jenkins’ ‘transmedia storytelling’, Faris Yakob introduced  ‘Transmedia Planning’ in October 2006: In this model, there would be an evolving non-linear brand narrative. Different channels could be used to communicate different, … Read moreTransmedia Planners etc on Facebook

My address to the Australian Publishing Industry

As I mentioned previously, last month I gave a talk at the Australian Literature Board’s Publishing the Story of the Future. Although it is very cringe-worthy to me (I’m not my usual lively self and I’m reading a script), I’ve decided to share my slides and the video. The slides are actually best viewed at a bigger size, at slideshare.

Kzero on Metabrands

Excellent virtual world consultancy Kzero have a site with some interesting content. They are the people behind the Second Life Brand Map: They’ve got some interesting case-studies and population demographics of Second Life that seem pretty accurate, though I don’t know how they determined that information. (Most female avatars are actually real life males!) I sent them … Read moreKzero on Metabrands

Courting Bloggers & Podcasters for launches

Recently I commented on how delighted I was to see Belgium broadcaster VRT inviting bloggers to its press launch of their ‘extended reality experience’ of Emma. I’ve also whinged in the past about how Australian bloggers & podcasters are not courted. Well, Kris Hoet gave me a heads up on an article in The Wall Street Journal on … Read moreCourting Bloggers & Podcasters for launches

Religion replaces Sex in Disruption Power

From the Convergence Newsletter, vol. IV, no. 8. (March 7, 2007): This research uncovers evidence that religion and religious imagery used in advertising over the past few years are commanding the kind of surprise and shock value that once was reserved for sex. […] If sex no longer shocks, and advertisers need to shock to break … Read moreReligion replaces Sex in Disruption Power