YouTube Trends Analysis
Asi Sharabi has started doing a very helpful: a trends analysis of YouTube.
Asi Sharabi has started doing a very helpful: a trends analysis of YouTube.
Monique has posted about a very interesting upcoming event: Cross-Media horizons after the World Cup being held in Cologne on the 25th August. 10:00 ? 10:10 Introduction Dr. Bettina Horster, eco; Wilfried Runde, Deutsche Welle/INCCOM-Project Host: Jochen Spangenberg/Wilfried Runde, Deutsche Welle 10:15 – 10:25 Cross-Media and EC policies Barbara Gessler, Representative of the European commission … Read moreWorld Cup Integrated Marketing Discussion
As a nice followup to my recent post on SL marketing (an initiation rite that all SLers do!) Wagner James Au reports that there will be followup to the great article on Avatar-based Marketing with a panel discussion in this Friday in Second Life!: Moderated by Ansible Berkman (the indefatigable host and caretaker of Second Life’s … Read moreMarketing Panel in Second Life
I?ve been enjoying travelling around Second Life (SL) and investigating, among other things, the marketing systems being developed. Why SL? Everything in SL is created by the ‘residents’ who keep their IP and can choose to give away or sell their creations. This virtual money, Linden dollars,?can be?converted into real US dollars and withdrawn from … Read moreMarketing Across Worlds
Thanks for this heads up from fellow mentor at LAMP, David Jensen of Zeetools, for this little gem. Telemundo (NBC Universal owned) launched a VOD mystery series for Central and South American audiences, Barbara Luna, that had the first episode on television. Let me explain. What they did was have the stars of the show … Read moreHispanic Cross-Media: Barbara Luna
Well, not my bad. My Bad: 25 Years of Public Apologies and the Appalling Behavior That Inspired Them is a book written by Paul Slansky and Arleen Sorkin. They have a VidLit of the book which is quite fun, and offer a blog on apologies and you can download the MyBad song. I’ve been a … Read moreMy Bad, on video