Me on ABC TV

On Friday December 29th ABC’s 7.30 Report broadcast a segment on Second Life. It featured academic mates Dr Angela Thomas and Sal Humphries — who I have referred to before in my articles on SL (and who also recently wrote this article on gaming and story for The Australian), Entropia maven David Storey and me. … Read moreMe on ABC TV

My InWorld Lecture and Alternate Reality Interview

On Friday night/Friday morning I presented my first inworld lecture inside the virtual world Second Life. Drawing from my articles in Slate Night Magazine, I spoke about the ‘Remediation of the Art Space in SL’. This lecture was part of a special session Anya Ixchel, the editor of Slate Night arranged for the New Media … Read moreMy InWorld Lecture and Alternate Reality Interview

DAC in Australia

DAC, the premier international digital arts conference, will be in Perth next year with Beap. They have just announced the first stage of acceptances: The reviewing of the 230 abstracts has now been completed, and many thanks to the reviewers for the enormous task. In a process that turns out to have been highly competitive, … Read moreDAC in Australia


I’m way too busy again, so apologies for the lack of posting about interesting things happening around the world. Here is an update on what I’ve been doing though: Last week I did my first video skype lecture to students at the University of Western Australia on cross-media entertainment. It was for the Masters and Honours … Read moreUpdate