MIT has a dedicated Transmedia Storytelling Lab!

Henry Jenkins was one of the first media theorists to identify the subject of my research and and what he terms “transmedia storytelling”. He is co-heading a dedicated research lab at MIT now, called the Convergence Culture Consortium. The Consortium is geared towards, it seems, providing data to industry as well as contributing to scholarship. … Read moreMIT has a dedicated Transmedia Storytelling Lab!

Cross-Media, UGC, Emerging Media, there isn't enough room for the hot words to describe this…

News from MocoNews: Channel 4 is running a website called FourDocs. FourDocs is the “place to upload, watch and learn about documentary“. It is addressing the desire for audiences to create their own shows, learn about filmmaking, share their view of the world, and their stories. Audiences have been jumping on uploading video clips, viral … Read moreCross-Media, UGC, Emerging Media, there isn't enough room for the hot words to describe this…

Interactive Entertainment Conference: Day 1a

I’ve been at the Australiasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment being held in Sydney this week. There is still one day to go but I feel compelled to *download* my impressions before the final blast of input and then distraction of catching-up on delayed duties. The attendees are computer science students working with game technologies, interactive … Read moreInteractive Entertainment Conference: Day 1a

Another Researcher & Dedicated Panel

Jill Walker, the theorist behind ‘distributed narrative‘, has organised and participated in a panel on Viral and Distributed Narratives (as arranged by Jessica Henig). The panel is part of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts 19th Annual Conference held recently in Chicago. It is the first time that electronic literature has been included … Read moreAnother Researcher & Dedicated Panel

Max's book on Cross-Media!

Max Giovagnoli has completed a book on cross-media: Fare cross media. From Big Brother to Star Wars. Theory and Techniques of the Integrated and Distributed Use of Simultaneous Media. Check out this description: Performing cross-media entails carrying out information, entertainment and communication campaigns in an ?integrated? manner, thereby simultaneously utilising a range of media forms … Read moreMax's book on Cross-Media!