The [6] Wonders of the Imaginative World (?)

In today’s post I thought I’d share so real life places I’d like to do/have enjoyed. These real places are related to the immersive entertainment and marketing area many of us are in. They are experiences that, unlike many of the online works that many people refer to all the time, you actually have to go to! While there are many wonderful museums, wonders of architecture and of course wonders of nature, I thought I’d highlight an unusual mix of places and events related to the wacky area of immersive entertainment and marketing. Here are some to get the list going. I’d love to hear of places or events you love.

Read moreThe [6] Wonders of the Imaginative World (?)

Possibility Post: Will Integrated Media Homes Kick the Holodeck's Butt?

In 1997, academic and designer Janet Murray published a book called Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. It not only gave voice to the dreams of technologists, fans and universe creators, but also inspired more. The thematic thread of Murray’s excellent book is the notion of the holodeck: First introduced on … Read morePossibility Post: Will Integrated Media Homes Kick the Holodeck's Butt?

Launching Strategy: Birth Your Alternate Reality in an ARG Community

One of the issues when creating an ”alternate reality game” is that it may receive negative backlash from being perceived as a ”hoax”. Alternate reality games (ARGs) if you recall, are (among other things) multi-platform works that remove any cues to its fictionality. So, if you put fake newsfootage online, there is no meta information … Read moreLaunching Strategy: Birth Your Alternate Reality in an ARG Community

Joost: "world's first online global tv distribution platform"

I mentioned The Venice Project here early last month, a mysterious online TV platform that is in beta. Well, now they’ve changed their name and have announced a major partnership with Viacom: Today we’re announcing a major partnership with Viacom. Which will bring programming and lots of channels from Viacom’s key brands and properties available … Read moreJoost: "world's first online global tv distribution platform"

How about that title?

Because there are so many different terms out there describing the same thing, and many that don’t but are employed by others to do so anyway, I decided to bundle the greatest hits together in this one title: cross/trans/multi-platform/media storytelling/entertainment Although they each mean different things to different people, the fact is they share a common … Read moreHow about that title?