Locative Arts papers

Just a quick note first, apologies for the continual loss of transmission over these past couple of months. I have a shocking VPS and am in the process of moving all my sites to a new, very fantastic one. But anyway, back to this post. The latest issue of Leonardo Electronic Almanac has a special issue on locative arts. It is guest edited by Drew Hemment.

  • Anne Galloway and Matt Ward Locative Media as socialising and spatializing practice
  • Alison Sant Mapping The Emerging Urban Landscape
  • Leslie Sharpe Swimming In The Grey Zones
  • Lily Shirvanee Locative Viscosity: Traces Of Social Histories In Public Space
  • Julian Bleecker and Jeff Knowlton A Brief Bibliography And Taxonomy Of Gps-Enabled Locative Media
  • Malcolm Mccullough On Urban Markup: Frames Of Reference In Location Models For Participatory Urbanism
  • Michele Chang and Elizabeth Goodman Asphalt Games: Enacting Place Through Locative Media
  • Steve Benford, Martin Flintham, Adam Drodz, Nick Tandavanitj, Matt Adams and Ju Row Farr The Design And Experience Of The Location-Based Performance Uncle Roy All Around You
  • Lalya Gaye and and Lars Erik Holmquist Performing Sonic City: Situated Creativity In Mobile Music Making
  • Sally-Jane Norman Locative Media & Instantiations Of Theatrical Boundaries
  • Misha Myers Homing Devices For Unhomely Times

Read it now!

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