Hitchhiker iTV Ad

An iTV Ad for Hitch sounds like they did an in-game/diegetic form of interaction (the button)…and then the storyworld fades off into meta-data (info about the storyworld or at least the representation of it). From itvt newsletter:

Buena Vista International has been using an interactive TV campaign on the Sky platform to promote its new movie, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” The campaign’s linear spots include a prompt, in which viewers are told, “Don’t panic! Just press the red button on your remote now”. Viewers who obey the prompt are taken to a Dedicated Advertiser Location (DAL), in which they can view a trailer for the movie; watch a mini-documentary on Jim Henson’s Creature Shop, the company that developed the movie’s various alien creatures; enter a competition; and find out more about the movie’s principal characters, such as Zaphod Beebelbrox and Ford Prefect. The ad was created by
Momentum Productions.

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