Wish I Had a Dream Researcher Budget

A half-day executive workshop has my researcher and practitioner mouth dribbling. In Dallas, Texas on March 22 is Media Opportunities and Strategies for the Multiple Media Enterprise:

The event, sponsored by the American Press Institute, focuses on how to create and sell innovative content and information services for connected, multiple-media audiences.

Among the topics are ‘state-of-the-art print-broadcast-online media convergence’; mobile audiences, participant audiences, new story forms… I’m craving attending an event like this, since I missed the IST one and the last one held in my home town held only moments of insight.

But we can all at least keep updated on The Media Center blog: Morph. Their lovely description is:

Morph, The Media Center blog, is a forum for new ideas and events related to digital media, convergence, and how society informs itself, tells its story and creates the narrative from which we extract context and meaning about our world, our neighbours and ourselves…

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