I’ve still got UGC (user-generated content) on my mind as I’m writing an article on the topic at the moment. Something I forgot to mention in my last
Freeload will bring together, as well as create a network of multimedia producers and showcase their digital portfolio to the whole world, irrespective of their level of proficiency, age, background, experience etc…
It’s Freeload’s aim to give everyone the chance to exhibit their work online and let punters and experts view it, rate it, comment on it and share it.If you’re into music, film, animation, fashion, video, art, then become a freeloader!
Some items will be picked for broadcast on their digital channel. SBS have been involved with the production of, at least, three projects that have UGC: Swapping Lives (yay Sohail!); Straight Up and Sum of Our Parts (which we — LAMP — developed!).
Word on the street is that ABC is about come out with their own UGC project…they’ve being involved with many projects such as: Us Mob and Video Lives. What the commercial channels, 7, 9 and 10, are doing beyond offering wallpaper and ringtones to download, the ability to vote, to buy merchandise, to search the web via their sites, to let companies brand your child’s learning, I have no idea… Let me know if there is something wonderful I’ve missed.