Looking Back and Forward

Some things I did last year:

  • Moved states from Melbourne to Sydney;
  • Transferred my PhD from the University of Melbourne to the University of Sydney;
  • Changed my virtual server provider 3 times;
  • 5 tertiary lectures on cross-media entertainment, serious games, MMORPGs and new media theory for universities across 3 states in Australia;
  • 5 academic presentations at conferences and seminars, including 2 international conferences;
  • 7 commissioned articles;
  • 14 industry workshops and presentations on topics such as: cross-media entertianment, alternate reality games, cross-media marketing, serious games and blogging across 4 states in Australia for organisations such as the Australian Literature Board; Film Australia; Australian Film, Television and Radio School; Centre for Screen Business and the Filmmakers Network. I organised the speakers, MCed and chaired some of these events too.
  • Mentored industry professionals on cross-media;
  • Mentored emerging writers on electronic literature;
  • Consulted on some wonderful projects that will be launched this year (info coming when they are public!);
  • Joined the Board of dLux Media Arts;
  • Panelist (judge) on a mobile art tour for ANAT‘s Portable Worlds;
  • 3 interviews on ABC Radio and 1 interview for ABC TV 7.30 Report;
  • Wrote a section on alternate reality games and academia for the IGDA ARG SIG Whitepaper (draft one released);
  • Threatened to start a podcast numerous times;
  • Neglected my blog;
  • Met some wonderful colleagues and net buddies in person;

Some things I look forward to doing this year:

Thankyou to everyone that visited this blog, commented on it and referred to it. I have enjoyed reading your own blogs and hearing of your exploits in emails. I started last year on a high and I’m doing the same this year. Thankyou to the clients that approached me to work with them — I enjoyed meeting you and working with you and look forward to an exciting time of launches this year. To those that stood in my way, thanks for the reminder that no-one can stand in my way. I thank myself for actively making my life something I’m proud of. I love yoos all! 🙂

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