iTV History

Tracey Swedlow’s site, [itvt], has an interesting whitepaper on the history of enhanced television (a big area in the cross-media matrix): 2000: Interactive Enhanced Television: A Historical and Critical Perspective. It is described as follows:

The outline this paper takes beyond introduction begins with an overview of market forces and important changes that occured over the last year until the time of writing, the promise of the medium, lingering questions about whether ITV will amount to a real industry, and other questions about privacy, targeted advertising, and the integrity of content in this environment. The next section deals with how ITV elements can appear on the screen, the types of content and applications that will exist in this environment, the latest technologies, and a short inquiry into how ITV will pay for itself. The next section presents the origins of ITV through a historical evaluation. The following section provides a breakdown of currently available solutions and general interactive television terms. In the final section, we present important issues, such as privacy and “open” vs. “forced” access, which currently remain unresolved. At the very end, we include a few observations from professionals in the field concerning remaining challenges and risks.

I have psoted about this paper before, but it is worth knowing about, including Tracey’s very informative email newsletter.

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