I'm consulting for Openindie!

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be consulting to filmmakers at Openindie. Openindie, if you don’t know, is created by Arin Crumley and Kieran Masterton. It is described as follows:

OpenIndie, in the first instance, is a user generated film screening site with the aim of democratizing distribution. Development will take place over a number of phases but ultimately using the site users can discover and bookmark films they’re interested in, request a screening in their area and put on a screening of any film on the site. Likewise, filmmakers can add their film to OpenIndie, and upload and promote their film via social media. Plus, in terms of exhibition anyone, from an individual or a group of friends, to theatres, venues, film clubs and festivals will be able to measure demand for a film in their area, screen a film and share their revenue with the filmmaker. We’ve developed this model with Arin’s experience of self distribution in mind and believe that this site can not only change the way that filmmakers distribute their films but also help make independent film production a sustainable enterprise. The key to OpenIndie is that anyone can screen any film!

Ted Hope listed Arin on his ‘21 Brave Thinkers of Truly Free Film‘; Jon Reiss highlighted Openindie in his Huffington Post article on ‘Re-connecting Audiences and Filmmakers‘ (and Jon mentions me in his book Think Outside the Box Office!); Lance Weiler has interviewed Kieran about the ‘social curation’ aspects of Openindie.

As part of the next stage of the project, Openindie has now opened its doors to any filmmaker who wants to put their film on the website. When they do this, for a limited time I will also be giving them a one hour consultation. This is my way to give back to the community I love, to learn from the filmmakers, and potentially gain some future collaborators! I’m excited!

Check it out!

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