Cross Media Tutor at sagasnet

Frank Alsema, a cross-media producer and lecturer, is co-running with Frank Boyd an upcoming sagasnet workshop: Master Class for Independent Producers of Interactive Entertainment to be held in Munich, September 1 – September 7. Guest Speakers include: Stefan Baier, Streamline Studios, NL; Ingeborg Degener , MEDIA Antenn Munich, D; Steve Fitton, Wise Monkey Ltd, UK; Dieter Marchsreiter, Marchsreiter Communications GmbH, D; Heikki Masalin, CIM, Fin; Vincent Scheuer, Sarassin LLP, UK. Although the workshop focuses on production management, not creative design, I’d find it interesting as Alsema is a cross-media producer! Here is the blurb about it and a temporary schedule:

Five day master class on team management, production management, risk management, outsourcing, marketing and distribution for independent creative producers.

Lectures and integrated exercises with ample opportunities for the participants to bring in their own scenarios.

Producing interactive entertainment often means managing innovation plus innovative management – this is particularly true for independent producers.

Saturday, September 2 2006

9.15 a.m. Brunhild Bushoff (sagasnet)
Opening Speech

9.30 a.m. Frank Alsema, 4xM, NL
The Cross Media/Interactive Media Production Circle (part 1 )
All  essentials steps –
From creative idea to design document.
theory + practice, technique + planning

12.30 a.m. LUNCH

2.00 p.m. Frank Boyd, Unexpected Media, UK
Building Productive Teams to Create Successful Products (part 1)
Lectures and Exercises
According to SRI International, one of the leading centres of innovation in the world,  there are six elements any organisation needs to have in place if it is to be successful: important client needs, champions, productive teams, value creation process, human imperatives and organisational alignment.

Using this framework we will explore three key roles of a producer:
1. Understanding and developing yourself
    – Leader, manager or champion?
    – Understanding your characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.
    – Building a personal development plan.
2. Working with and managing a team
   – Understanding your team’s characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.
     Different models for behaviour at work:
     Belbin, Myers Biggs, Ideo
   – Phases in the lives of teams: the Tuckman model.
   – Human imperatives and team success:
     trust, motivation, reward, components of collaboration.

Sunday, September 3 2006

9.15 a.m. Frank Boyd, Unexpected Media, UK
Building Productive Teams to Create Successful Products (part 2)
Lectures and Exercises
Exploration of the third key role of a producer

3. Developing your project
   – Developing a value proposition
   – Client needs and user focus
   – Pitching, wateringholes and iterative design.

This session will end with several assignents for individuals
and/or teams on prototyping, budgeting, marketing strategies, financing models, pitching…
The results will  be presented and discussed over the following days.

12.30 a.m. LUNCH

2.00 p.m. Frank Alsema, 4xM, NL
The Cross Media /Interactive Media Production Circle (part 2)
Role of project management in relation to development and production methods.

4.15 p.m.  Stefan Baier, Streamline Studios, NL
Outsourcing: Everything You Need to Know so You Don’t Burn Money!
Partnering up with specialized studios that cater to your needs is crucial in maintaining focus and energy on your key business. We will discuss risks, lessons and key workflows, as well as the cultural challenges created by outsourcing creative services.

Monday, September 4 2006

9.15 Dieter Marchsreiter, Marchsreiter Communications GmbH
Marketing Basics and the Art of Finding the Marketing Strategy for your Project

11.00 Presentations of Budgeting/ Specifications Exercises
Followed by discussion/feedback/brainstorming session

12.30 a.m. LUNCH

2.00 p.m. Presentations of Marketing Exercises
Followed by discussion/feedback/brainstorming session

4.15 p.m. Frank Alsema, 4xM, NL
Tools for Project Management
How to manage cross platform and cross locations. Examples of planning, project management and collaborative workspaces

Tuesday, September 5 2006

9.15 a.m. Steve Fitton, Wise Monkey Ltd, UK
Get It Done – On Time, Within Budget and at High Quality Standard.
Risk management and effective  monitoring of production processes.

11.00 p.m.  Heikki Masalin CIM, FIN
Investors & Creative Industries – a difficult relationship.
Established in 2000 as the first European fund of its kind the CIM Venture Fund for Creative Industries focuses on IPR
related businesses and tries to bridge the gap between content creators and investor.

12.30 a.m. LUNCH

2.00 p.m. Presentations of Exercises on Business Plans/ Financing followed by discussion/feedback/brainstorming session

Wednesday, September 6 2006

9.15 a.m. Vincent Scheurer, Sarassin LLP, UK
Dealing with IPRs Creating and managing your own IP and licensing content and brands…

11.00 p.m. Frank Alsema, 4xM, NL
New and Alternate Business Models How to deal with shares, revenues, egos, and company powers.

12.30 a.m. LUNCH

1.30 a.m. Vincent Scheurer, Sarassin LLP, UK
Navigating the Minefield of Alternative Finance

2.30 p.m. Ingeborg Degener, MEDIA Antenna Munich, D
MEDIA Development funding – Introduction and practical advice on the NEW TALENT and MEDIA Development schemes offering financial support for the development of interactive entertainment.

4.00 Closing session

Applications are now open for the classes, with scholarships available for those in the EU. Go to sagasnet to check it out.

P.S. I must say I was quite chuffed to see (a while ago) my site listed in the information resources section. 🙂

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