So, here is one reason for the delay in posting here…

I thought Jay Smooth of ill doctrine explained the non-post-guilt-perfection-cycle really well, so, over to him: Your browser does not support JavaScript. This media can be viewed at No more little-hater-don’t-post-cycles!!! One strategy I’m using to get around this (and lack of time) is to do ‘uninterviews’. So, expect some more chats with great … Read moreSo, here is one reason for the delay in posting here…

The Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of Cross-Media

In the previous podcast interview, Lance Weiler spoke about a special festival and conference for filmmakers: From Here to Awesome and DIYDays. The festival will play out in theaters, living rooms, online and via mobile devices and the conference (DIY DAYS) has become a series of live discussions in LA, SF, Boston, NYC and London. … Read moreThe Who, What, When, Where, Why & How of Cross-Media