Quote of the day: Battle of the Ephemerals

Cyberpest Prokofy comments in an post by Eric Rice about the cost of conferences and free conference streaming. Prokofy cites the cost of Virtual Worlds 2007 and says:

“couldn’t ever dream of paying the cost of an SL island to go to an ephemeral thing”

So, a conference is ephemeral and a virtual island in Second Life is…

I find this funny on so many levels. Clever.

Source: http://www.ericrice.com/blog/?p=475#comment-50418

2 thoughts on “Quote of the day: Battle of the Ephemerals

  1. I can’t decide if this is ‘uber-high level humor’ or it’s just plain stupid.

    Either way, I laugh out loud. No… seriously.

  2. I think it is a bit of both Pedro…but I found it rather funny too. It works if Prokofy is not and is aware of what she is saying.

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