
HeSheIt is my own multimedia theatre production supported by Monash Student Theatre. In 1993 I took an inherited collection of short comedies from the 1900’s and ‘rewrote’ their meaning by presenting them in an experimental performance. The set was specially designed with UV lights and a television, and was all white to assist the slide projections on the walls and actors. The actors were Christian Leavesley, Vivienne Walshe, Melanie Field and Keira Lyons. The production explored issues of gender, androgeny and identity by altering the gender of the characters.
Full Credits:
Director: Christy Dena
Executive Producer: Monash Student Theatre
Producer: Marnie Brewster
Stage Manager: Chris Tomkins
Publicity: Student Theatre
Set Design: Scott Felstead
Set Construction: Scott Felstead, Simon Khamara, Suzy Howard, Tracey Foster
Graphic Design: Amanda Pettman
Poster Models: Chloe Hall, Michael Johnson, Christy Dena
Research: Barbara Joseph
Pianist: Gordon Dorin
Lighting: Chris Tomkins, Caroline Gaylard, Suzy Howard, Simon Khamara
Computer Graphics: David Knife, Anthony Macleod, Chris Tomkins
Darkroom: Ian Kolodziejck, Chris Dobbyn
Costumes Supplied by: St. Martins Theatre, Playbox Theatre, Monash Costume Dept.
Transportation: Dorota Roslaniec
Front of House Coordinator: Cathy O’Donovan
Front of House: Cathy O’Donovan, Monique Brasher, Kit McMahon, Tracey Foster
Photographers: De’Musi Agostine, Anonymous, Veneziano Agostino, Diane Arbus, John Baldessari, Margaret Bourke-White, E. Burne-Jones, Sarah Charlesworth, Imogen Cunnigham, Lewis Day, Thomas Eakins, Frank Eugene, Emmett Gowin, Rene Gruau, Art Kane, Yousef Karsh, Silvia Kolbowski, Barbara Kruger, Robert Mapplethorpe, Man Ray, S.L.Sheridan, Edward Steichen, Alfred Stieglitz, Armand Vallee. Braun, Hoover, Reutlinger, Cotellacci. Tania Kyriakou and Christy Dena.

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