I am commissioned to write articles too. Here are some of my favourites:
- ‘Whyfinding:
What Pervasive Gaming has taught me about 3D Videogame Design‘, (my own blog) - ‘Emotion and the Self in Games‘, Cordite Poetry Review
- ‘Some Things I’ve Learned from Transmedia Worldbuilding‘, Meanland
- ‘Scripting the Journey‘ MediaCommons
- ‘Do you go both ways?‘, Meanland
- ‘Do You Have a Big Stick?‘, Institute for the Future of the Book
- ‘Test, Test, Test, Transmedia‘, Transmedia Now, In Media Res
- ‘[META] The Designer-Academic Problem‘, Electronic Book Review, [invited riposte to Jane McGonigal’s essay: “The Puppet Master Problem: Design for Real-World, Mission-Based Gaming” in Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin’s edited collection: Second-Person: Role-Playing and Story in Games and Playable Media]
- ‘Event-Based Screening Experiences‘, Support Your Local Cinema
- ‘Transmedia for Event-based Arts‘, Connecting: Arts Audiences Online, Australia Council for the Arts
- ‘The Process of Creating Quality Transmedia Experiences‘, Connecting: Arts Audiences Online, Australia Council for the Arts
- ‘Review of Anne Friedberg’s The Virtual Window: From Alberti to Microsoft‘, Cyberculture Studies
- ‘Going Indie for Meaningfulness and Money‘, IGDA Perspectives Newsletter, ARG SIG Edition [PDF]
- ‘Writers’ Guide to Making a Digital Living‘, Australia Council for the Arts
- ‘The Scaredy Cat Factor‘, “The Emerging Writer: An Insider’s Guide to Your Writing Journey”
- ‘Transmedial Fictions’, The Johns Hopkins Encyclopedia of Digital Textuality, Marie-Laure Ryan and Lori Emerson, Benjamin Robertson, eds. Baltimore: MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.