DIMEA 2007: Second International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts

The DIMEA 2007: Second International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts will be held on the 19th – 21st September 2007 in Perth, Western Australia. DIMEA 2007 is organised jointly by Murdoch University and ACM SIG CHI (Singapore Chapter).

DIMEA 2007 is a cross-disciplinary conference that will bring together researchers from the areas related to digital interactive media in entertainment and arts. The conference will accept different submission types that present new scientific ideas, improvements to existing techniques or provide a new way of examining, designing and using digital interactive media. Suggested topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:

Entertainment Art and Technology
New Media Emerging Technologies
Code Art
Digital Visual Media
Moving Media
Culture of New Media
Interactive Stories

Check out: www.dimea.org

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