“Aporia Cross-Media Entertainment” is the new name for a company set up (formerly Naked Rabbit Studios) by Jason Chrest and Jessie Greene. Their “main goal is to provide the best service and product possible by creating valuable multi-media entertainment with mass advertising appeal”. From their website:
As a grassroots development group, Aporia CME has produced low budget games with little to no corporate financial backing. Though Aporia CME has begun the process of forming itself into a marketing development team, the primary goal is to continue making exciting and intriguing ARGs. Once a grassroots development group, Aporia CME seeks to become a familiar entity within the game community as our growth allows us the opportunity to focus primarily on the games and offer better swag to players world-wide.
Our goal is to produce intriguing storylines which evolve through innovative puzzles and believable characters. We use various media sources to relay the games to the players while maintaining professional quality graphic interfaces. We design our own websites, and refuse to follow suit with many of the other grassroots developers who use free webhosts laden with advertisements to run their game. We see value in unique launch methods to broaden the audience demographic and give a the players an unusual experience.
I find their name interesting, of course, because these are all terms I use quite alot: “cross-media entertianment” and “aporia” (as in Espen Aarseth‘s “aporia” and “epiphany”). I also find their website interesting as their approach of having different entry-points according to interest is exactly what I recommended to the ARG SIG for their website. They should be doing some interesting things as their 2006 ARG Ny Takma was highly regarded by the ARG community.